
A Good Design in Field Museum

I took this picture in Field Museum in Chicago. This brilliantly colored wall is at the end of a exhibition of species. Here is the words in the middle :" ...from so simple a beginning endless forms most beautiful and most wonderful have been, and are being, evolved." The wall is unique in design, excellent in manufacturing technique and profound in meaning. When I was standing in front of it, my heart is full.

Also, I think it implied a educational meaning as well. Sometimes, we spend the whole class to tell students something we think is important. We talk with them, listen to their ideas or views and lead them to set up a a multiplicity of ideas. However, when I standed in front of this wall, I was totally understood why people should protect the nature and preserve species diversity. I think most of us will have the same feeling as mine. There is only one words there, but this design is worth a thousand of words. Especially, a collection of different animals and plants make us feel amazing.

There is another two wonderful points in its design. First of all, every tiny picture is circle, which is the same as our earth. That means we all live in the earth. We, human humans, share this planet with other species and other forms of life. We need to respect each other. Second, when you stand in front of this wall, every picture is equal in distance. That means we are created equal. All the beings are equal. They are all around human beings, sharing our blue planet. We should protect them. When I think about these, I would like to see what a student could think about if he or she is standing there. I think it does work if we have such a wonderful thing to show them in a biology class.

1 条评论:

  1. I appreciate you did a nice analysis of this colorful wall in the museum. I appreciated that fact that it reminded you of diversity. Hope you could say more of the reasons that this art work suddenly made you appreciate diversity.
